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Matt Handshakin Holmes


Matt “Handshakin” Holmes is an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and world record holder. He is Founder of the Handshakin Video Series: featuring top entrepreneurs on networking and personal branding strategies.

After interviewing venture capitalists, members of Congress, and billionaires, Matt has been on numerous podcasts sharing tips on strategically making connections and relationship building. Today, he helps aspiring entrepreneurs implement networking and personal branding strategies.

Matt “Handshakin” Holmes Vroom Veer Stories

  • High School Days, Band Nerd, Class Clown…then played football too–sold candy too
  • College Days; changed major five times landed on psychology
  • Briefly worked a sales job while flipping, motorcycles, cars, houses, and condos
  • Lived off credit cards; charged up $85K to pay living expenses
  • Realized he hated the real estate business and wanted something he loved
  • Started the Hand Shakin Video series recording with an iPad and a friend who sold art
  • Worked politics in D.C. and shook hands with many politicians
  • Interviewed his first billionaire for the video series through another connection.
  • Broke the world record for the longest handshake–the whole event took over 50 hours

Matt “Handshakin” Holmes Links