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Rob Scott – Shift your Identify Change your Life

Rob Scott is a Master Level Coach and the founder of Fundamental Shift, LLC. His work has influenced hundreds of thousands of people, helping to “shift their identities.” He helps them evolve their consciousness, and create profound changes in all the important areas of life. His coaching programs take you through proven processes that will get you past your biggest, deepest limiting beliefs, so you can live into the highest version of yourself. The result of this massive shift is achieving levels of success once thought impossible to reach.

Rob Scott Vroom Veer Stories

  • Suffered abuse and rape as a child from a baby sitter; lead to all sorts of addictions
  • Made his therapist cry with his stories of abuse; still addicted all manner of drugs
  • Got a corporate job; but was a high functioning alcoholic/addict which helped for 5-martini sales lunches
  • When he quit drinking and smoking; his boss missed the drinker; started feeling like a veer was coming
  • Once Rob started his healing journey; people organically started offering him money for coaching
  • Learned that he not only was good at coaching; but he also loved doing it
  • Mediation serves a practice to help shift your identity; stop complaining in your head; and embrace and love each moment as it comes


Visit the Website: ROBSCOTT.COM

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