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Frances Pappalardo – Faith in Action, Transformation through Grief and Loss, Beauty in Death (BOV)

Frances Papplardo

Frances Pappalardo lives in ScottsDale, AZ with her husband Tony, daughter Emerson, and dog Grizzly. Together they’ve turned an idea to help others live better lives into the Customize Your Life movement.

As entrepreneurs, they’ve built a highly-successful business that has made them in-demand speakers at events around the world and frequent guests on leadership, personal growth, and self-help podcasts.

As certified performance coaches, they’ve helped people eliminate millions of dollars in debt, restore broken relationships, and build their own businesses. They co-founded the initiative Operation Impact which has raised over a half-million dollars to fund initiatives both domestically and internationally, equipping and empowering more than 2,000 volunteers in just three years. They’ve served as advisors for two non-profit organizations and have occasionally taken on the role of culture transformation consultants with major corporations. They love living an active lifestyle which involves skiing, surfing, and overall adventure and exploration. Tony’s current battle with cancer has filled them with an even broader sense of appreciation to enjoy life.

Frances Pappalardo Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

  • In 5th grade was invited to a dance by a cool kid, what she didn't now was his mother forced him to take her; he ignored he and laughed at her; to her credit; she didn't take it personally
  • In college, she went to a sorority was a “spy” mostly to see what's it's like; on the last day of pledge week she drank the kool-aid; ended up being a pretty good experience–but mostly surface level
  • In the middle of a podcast, her 3 year old daughter woke up and needed mommy; they paused the podcast long enough to set her up with a tub of ice cream on the couch with a friend with a busted foot
  • Attending her father as he was dying and witnessed his transition to the other side; Yes there is loss/grief; but she also saw the beauty and peace in his eyes
  • Frances is living in faith now and praying that Tony wins his battle with cancer; her relationship with god is immediate and personal about real life and death decisions
  • When she was younger she leaned on her mother's faith and didn't really think much about prayer; when Tony started his journey with cancer she learned how to pray and listen for answer and see the signs
  • God told her to rest; who can rest when you need to “DO SOMETHING!”; when god tells you to rest; you better rest up; something is coming



Words at the Threshold: What We Say as We're Nearing Death Paperback – March 17, 2017 by Lisa Smartt (Affiliate Link)

A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume Mass Market Paperback – January 1, 1975 by Foundation For Inner Peace (Author) (Affiliate Link)