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Madeleine Lambert – How World Travel changes you; your Life and Business (BOV)

Madeleine Lambert

Madeleine Lambert is the driving force behind the business management and growth of Content Refined. As a young entrepreneur, she is always looking for different ways to improve the business for her clients and for her employees. She has a Bachelor’s Degree with combined Honours in Legal Studies & Human Rights from Carleton University. After university, she traveled solo across the globe, and lived in Asia for a year. She and her partner are happily settled in their first home in Collingwood Ontario. They’re expecting their first child in June 2018.

Madeleine Lambert Vroom Veer Stories

  • Madeleine is not only VERY pregnant; she was booked to MC a friend's wedding and her partner was out of town on business; sooo she's really counting on her lucky stars the baby doesn't show up too early
  • She's having difficulty with scattered brain and is not her generally focused self; so she's frustrated with herself not getting things done; it is also a wake up call to get better at delegating to her team members
  • Her dad was a faculty member of the university she attended; Madeleine pranked her Dad for April's fools and nearly killed him; when revealed as a prank; dad didn't talk to her for three days
  • I mentioned the Joe Gebbia (founder of Airbnb) Prank Story from the Tim Ferriss podcast.
  • After graduating from college she was desperately trying to fit into mold for a Master's Program; her dad suggested she should take a year and do something she had never done before; packed a bag and bought a one-way ticket and headed out on an adventure
  • Started her trip in Canada; then headed to Europe and the middle east and south east Asia; lived in south east Asia for about year
  • Learning about different cultural norms helps you to see your life in a new light; some places in the world there is no toilet paper and that's ok
  • Embrace the Bum Gun
  • The founders of the Tropical MBA podcast started a group called the Dynamite Circle, which Madeleine joined; she ended up being gifted a trip to a Conference in Bangkok by another member of the circle
  • The surprising (maybe?) reason that Madeleine didn't drink at ALL during that conference; and then took another week “off” to work ON her business

Madeleine Lambert Connections